Sunday Service: March 30, 2025

  • 9am with Praise Band 
  • 11am with Organ and Choir 

Sunday Service: Facebook Live Stream (9am & 11am)

March Worship:

March 2: Sermon: Testimony by Josh (Young Adult). Scripture: Joshua 1:9  

March 5: Ash Wednesday, Joel 2:12-14, The Return Story - Pastor Dave and Pastor Fay 

Lenten Theme: I AM:

March 9: Sermon: "I am the Bread of Life". Scripture: John 6:35, 41 48, 51 - Pastor Dave

March 16: Sermon: "I am the Light of the World" & "I am the Door". Scripture: John 8:12, 9:5, 9; 10:7) - Pastor Fay

March 23: Sermon: "I am the Good Shepherd". Scripture John 10:11, 14 - Pastor Dave

March 30: Sermon: "I am the Resurrection and the Life". Scripture John 11:25. - Pastor Dave


Lenten Devotions

The Names of Jesus. (Click here to download.)

40 Days of Lent (For young and not-so young.) (Click here to download.)

Past Sunday Services:

9 am, March 23  11 am, March 23


Link to Past Worship Services:

Past Worship Services


Give Online (safe and secure)

Click Here To Give Online





Easter Song & Light Show

(Click here to download the flyer.)

Easter Experience - April 5th, 1 - 3 pm.

(Click here to download the flyer.)

Holy Week - April 17th - April 20th.

(Click here to download the flyer.)


Spring Fest - May 3rd, 11 am - 2 pm.

(Click here to download the flyer.)




Eastern PA UMC Conference 

Zoom Weekly Conference Wide Prayer Group: Tuesday's @ Noon (for 30 minutes). For more information, including the zoom link, click here.

St. Andrew's UMC 

Bible Studies: Tuesday's and Thursdays. Coming Soon!

Bible Studies: Saturday's

Men's Ministry Breakfast: 1st Saturday of every month at 8:30 am. Next one is April 5th, 2025.

All are welcome.


Welcome to St. Andrew's!

We are glad to welcome everyone and praise God together.

Our congregation is named for the apostle Andrew, who was known for bringing others to Christ. He was sometimes known as an "usher" because he was continually ushering people to meet Jesus. Like Andrew, our passion is to share with others the love of Christ.

As we all grow into a closer relationship with our triune God we enjoy the hospitality and fellowship of community. Two services are offered, contemporary and traditional, along with Sunday morning Christian education for all ages. The services are in-person, virtually on Facebook Live, and available on YouTube afterwards. Through the week we have morning and evening Bible Studies, a book club, and other offerings. We share community events during the year and we support multiple mission projects. Please let us know if you have a prayer request. Come on in and experience St. Andrew’s! 

Our Sunday morning offerings, with free coffee: 

  • 9 am Contemporary Service with Praise Band 
  • 10:10 am Christian Education classes for all ages 
  • 11 am Traditional Service with Organ & Choir 

Please contact us if you have questions, need assistance or have a prayer request. You can email us at or call 215-675-3748. Cima, our office administrator, and Pastors Dave and Fay are available.  Grace, peace and blessings to you! 

Facebook - @St.A.UMC or St Andrew's UMC Facebook

YouTube - St Andrew's UMC YouTube 

On both our Facebook and YouTube pages, you can access sermons, bulletins and devotions. 

You can download our brochure at St Andrew's Brochure.

For the Preschool:

Phone - 215-675-4266

Email -

Facebook - @StAndrewsPreschoolWarminster or St Andrew's Preschool Facebook


To Know, Grow in, Experience and Share the Forgiving Love and Grace of Christ.


We will nurture God's community through outreach, prayer, worship, study, fellowship and service. With the guidance of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, we commit to invite all into a personal saving relationship with Christ.


Restoring, nourishing, transforming souls to passionately serve Christ.

Contact Us

St. Andrew's United Methodist Church

  March 2025