St Andrew's Philosophy of Christian
Christian Education Form (click here)
St. Andrew’s Christian Education is sharing the good news of Jesus Christ to enable students to have transformation occur within their hearts and minds giving them the tools they need to live a Christian life. All are welcome to be part of, and to connect to, this nurturing and safe environment growing in faith in community together.
St. Andrew’s Christian Education provides meaningful opportunities for all ages to renew their hearts and minds specifically by:
- Explaining the Christian story, the Bible, past and present
- Identifying who God is, and how God is active in our lives
- Developing a close relationship with, and understanding of, Jesus and his ministry
- Explaining and experiencing, the Holy Spirit’s activeness in our lives
- Describing growth of faith development and character formation
- Applying skills to act out our faith
- Composing and experiencing prayer, individually and corporately
- Provide outreach and connect within our church and community
- Demonstrating observable self-learning to continue maturing in scriptural knowledge and application
We offer Sunday Morning Christian Education classes for all ages. All classes are ongoing and you can join anytime.
Children meet in the lower level and follow an experiential curriculum that uses stories, crafts, discussion, puppets and more to teach in interactive ways.
Youth meet in the Youth Room in the lower level follow a discussion based approach allowing the youth to engage in meaningful dialogue which includes their questions and concerns about life.
Adults meet in Zion Hall and are led by Dr. Polly Riddle. Curriculum is chosen that meets current needs and allows for learning through reflection and discussion.
(Click here to download the image as a flyer.)
Confirmation Classes are offered as needed.
Bible Study is offered Tuesday evenings at 6:30 - 7:30 pm in person and also on Thursdays 11:30 am-1pm in person in Zion Hall (bring your own lunch) and from 7 pm - 8 pm on zoom (link on home page). The classes are ongoing and we welcome you to join any time.
The current bible study is on
Devotional Writing Bible Study. Tuesday nights 6:30 - 7:30 (Feb 4, 11, 18, 25, and March 4). Debbie Gillman is leading.
Lenten Study of Embracing the Uncertain: A Lenten Study for Unsteady Times by Magrey deVega. Thursdays from 11:30 am - 1 pm (bring your lunch) (Feb 6, 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13). Pastor Fay is leading.
A 3 Week Deep Dive Study of Habakkuk. Saturday Mornings from 9 am - 10:30 am on March 22, 29, and April 2. Pastor Dave is leading.
Book Club is offered through the year. There are no current book studies.
Vacation Bible School is offered in the summer for children. Please contact the church office for more information at or call 215-675-3748.
2025 : Will be announced soon!
Vacation Bible School 2024 is July 15th - 18th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm FREE for ages 4 yrs old - 5th grade.
Welcome to Camp Firelight an interactive Summer Camp VBS adventure where children learn to face new challenges while trusting in God.
You can register online at click here for the registration.
Safe Sanctuaries
St. Andrew's is committed to creating safe spaces for all. Towards that commitment, St. Andrew's has approved a Safe Sanctuaries policy which you can access here. (A PDF document will open.)