Ministries >

Self Help Groups

St. Andrew's is focused on providing opportunities for all to experience the love and grace of Jesus. We offer a variety of ministries that allow everyone to grow closer to God.

St. Andrew's UMC is proud to host and offer space for groups focused on health and recovery.

Please contact us if you need a meeting place to hold a group. 215-675-3748,

OA (Over Eaters Anonymous) - Meets Mondays 10-11:00 am 

TOPS (Take Off Weight Sensibly) - Meets Mondays 5:15-7:00 pm

AL-ANON (For family and friends of alcoholics) - Meets Tuesdays 10-11:30 am -  If you want to contact us: AISDV (215) 222-5244 or

NA (Narcotics Anonymous) - Meets Thursdays 7:00pm-8:10pm