A Brief History of St. Andrew's UMC
In December, 1957, the Board of Directors of the Northeastern Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church purchased the property upon which the church would be built. In June, 1958, the Reverend John F. Willson was appointed to organize a congregation.
The first worship service was held in the old parsonage on February 1, 1959. Weekly worship services and Sunday School classes were held at the Alta S. Leary Elementary School, starting on March 1, 1959.
On April 5, 1959, eighteen people were received as the first members of the new congregation.
Charter Sunday was held on January 17, 1960, for the purpose of officially organizing the Warminster Evangelical United Brethren Church. On that date, 39 charter members were received into church membership.
In the Spring of 1960, the name "St. Andrew’s" was chosen for the congregation. This name was chosen in the hope that the apostle Andrew, who brought others to Jesus, would serve as an example for our church members, that they too, would bring others to the Lord.
The Groundbreaking service for the new church building, designed by architect and member Lauri J. Kurki, was held on November 5, 1961. About ten months later, on Sunday, September 2, 1962, the cornerstone of the newly completed church was laid in place during a special worship service.
On Sunday, December 2, 1962, the Reverend Dr. Henry W. Zebner, Conference Superintendent, dedicated the church "unto God Almighty. . .", declaring it to be "St. Andrew’s Church of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. . "
In the Fall of 1967, a new parsonage was built on the church grounds. The old parsonage was torn down because of its deteriorating condition and proximity to the newly widened York Road.
On April 23, 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church merged their rich heritages to become the United Methodist Church. Thus, St. Andrew’s became St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church.
In 1969, a preschool nursery program was added which is still ongoing.
As the congregation grew, two modular units were added for office space, Youth ministry and adult education. One unit was lovingly called the "Youth Coop."
By 1996 our church had outgrown our facilities to the extent that an addition was planned. Down came the "Youth Coop" and our temporary office trailer to make room for expansion. The new addition included office space and a spacious room for fellowship and our Living Praise worship, plus a new kitchen. This was completed in 2001, with the lower level not finished until 2008.
The growth in our community and in our congregation has caused us to continually evaluate our purpose and ministry. In 2004 the church adopted a Purpose statement to guide us into the future.
Historical Sketch
December, 1957: Purchased parsonage and land
June, 1958: Pastor Willson appointed to organize a congregation
February 1, 1959: First worship service held at the parsonage.
March 1. 1959: Weekly services began at the Leary Elementary School
April 5, 1959: First 18 members received
January 17, 1960: Charter Sunday with 39 Charter members received
February 27, 1960: Congregational meeting to elect officers
November 5, 1961: Groundbreaking service for the new church building
September 9, 1962: Cornerstone laying service
December 2, 1962: Church Dedication (membership of 82)
To Know, Grow in, Experience and Share the Forgiving Love and Grace of Christ.
We will nurture God's community through outreach, prayer, worship, study, fellowship and service. With the guidance of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, we commit to invite all into a personal saving relationship with Christ.
Restoring, nourishing, transforming souls to passionately serve Christ.
As St. Andrew’s has grown into our purpose, mission and vision statements, God has increased our staff, multiplied our ministry,
and expanded our mission all the way to Liberia, Africa and back.
Come grow with us as we continue to live in God’s exciting future here at St. Andrew’s.
Pastors who have served St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
Reverend John F. Willson 1958 - 1970
Reverend Paul Dickinson 1970 - 1972
Reverend Harry E. Aughinbaugh 1972
Reverend Laurence Hof 1972 - 1977
Reverend William H. Garrett 1977 - 1979
Reverend Larry D. Carl 1979 - 1987
Reverend Robert E. Strock 1987 - 1988
Reverend John B. "Skip" Davis, II 1988 - 2003
Reverend Wendy Bellis 2003 - 2015
Reverend Catherine Bowers 2015 - 2017
Reverend John Lutz 2017 - 2021
Reverend Betty Murphy 2021 - 2023
Reverend David Piltz 2021 - present
Pastor Fay Warner 2023- present
The Disciple Andrew
Andrew was the first to proclaim, "We have found the Messiah!" He was the first to say, "Come and see." Yet, in the inner circle of The Twelve, he was destined to play "second fiddle" to the more visible Peter, James, and John.
Andrew is sometimes known as "The Usher," for he was continually bringing, or ushering, people into the presence of our Lord. He was the one who brought Peter to Jesus. He ushered the Greek delegation, who "would see this man," before Christ. He even found a way for a small boy with loaves and fishes to stand by the side of Jesus.
This Apostle, like several of the others, was raised as a fisherman; however, he became more involved with matters of the soul than with matters of boats and fishing nets. He left those nets, from time to time, to follow John the Baptist; it was one of those times with John when Andrew first met Jesus and was called to be a "fisher of men."
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Andrew stayed in Jerusalem and ministered there for several years. History has several references to the elders and leaders of the early church, and often, Andrew is listed among them. Upon leaving Jerusalem, tradition records that Andrew probably went to Southern Russia and then to Greece. Ephesus is the third area in which Andrew appears to have preached, continually busy, concentrating upon the business of the moment. The hands of Andrew were the hands of a fisherman and accustomed to handling rope; ironically, it is accepted that Andrew died in Achaia tied with rope to a cross shaped like an X. Tradition tells us that a ship bearing relics of Andrew’s body was wrecked in a bay of Scotland. The sailors who escaped the shipwreck swam to the mainland, there preached, and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Scottish people. Andrew, therefore, became their patron saint. Scotland, a part of Britain, is represented on the Union Jack by Andrew’s cross.