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Weekly Devotions

St. Andrew's is focused on providing opportunities for all to experience the love and grace of Jesus. We offer a variety of ministries that allow everyone to grow closer to God.

Each Wednesday, a devotion is posted here, sent via email to our email list and also posted on our Facebook page. If you would like to be part of our email list please contact the church office. In addition, check out past Devotions on our Facebook page. 

I often receive feedback that the devotions are rich in content and are complex. Reading devotions whether short and concise or longer and complicated should never be read once quickly. All types of devotions should be read multiple times using contemplation, reflection and pausing. In those spaces of contemplation and reflection we experience the Holy Spirit interacting with us. Sometimes, individuals will reach out and provide their thoughts and reflections on their devotion. My intent has always been to create a dialogue. So read these in the way that best works for you to experience the Holy Spirit and create a dialogue with others in our community.

Wednesday January 15, 2025


Hi St. Andrew’s UMC Community…

It is mid-week. How are you doing? Are you tired? Full of energy? Somewhere in between? Today we focus on a specific way to pray to God, and how God changes us from the inside. God’s interest in how our innermost being is crucial to God. It’s where change occurs – change that can create justice in multiple ways. May you take a moment this week and let God change you from the inside!

What Do I Ask For?

1 Kings 3:5-15 

What do you ask God for in your life? What are the areas you are lacking, where you need and want, and ask God to give you? How often do you ask for “material things” from God and often not receive them?

We are reminded time and again to pray to God, to ask God for things, but it seems that doesn’t work very well. Solomon is now the King after his father David passes. And God visits Solomon in a dream and asks Solomon what he wants. And Solomon asks for wisdom knowing that his role as King will be challenging, especially since he is young. Solomon didn’t ask for power, or control, or riches. He asked for wisdom. He asked for a characteristic of his personality that needed growth. He asked for God to make his character better. He asked for God to grow him. And God was pleased with this request.

When you ask God for something are you asking God to take something away, or give you something, or change something that is occurring in your life. What would it look like if you asked God to change a characteristic of yours – like your anger, or resentment, or pride, or wanting to control. And change it to being calm, forgiving, patient and humble. What would your life look like if you asked God to grow you – inside of you not outside of you?

God sees in us more potential than we can ever see in ourselves. When we pray for something, we are missing how God works. When we pray for a part of our character to be changed to be more like Jesus – that allows God to work within us. What will it take for you to focus your prayers on God helping you to change a part of your character to be more like Jesus – instead of asking for things? 

Dear God, You know my innermost being more than I do. There are characteristics of my personality that are not aligned with You. Change me Oh God in ways that my innermost being becomes more like Jesus. May I be open to Your presence in my being and transforming me into Your vision of me. Amen. 

(image from


by Rev Dave Piltz