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Weekly Devotions

St. Andrew's is focused on providing opportunities for all to experience the love and grace of Jesus. We offer a variety of ministries that allow everyone to grow closer to God.

Each Wednesday, a devotion is posted here, sent via email to our email list and also posted on our Facebook page. If you would like to be part of our email list please contact the church office. In addition, check out past Devotions on our Facebook page. 

I often receive feedback that the devotions are rich in content and are complex. Reading devotions whether short and concise or longer and complicated should never be read once quickly. All types of devotions should be read multiple times using contemplation, reflection and pausing. In those spaces of contemplation and reflection we experience the Holy Spirit interacting with us. Sometimes, individuals will reach out and provide their thoughts and reflections on their devotion. My intent has always been to create a dialogue. So read these in the way that best works for you to experience the Holy Spirit and create a dialogue with others in our community.

Wednesday July 24, 2024

Hi St. Andrew’s UMC Community …..

I often wonder what one word describes what you want in a Pastor. Is it comfort, teaching, preaching, leading, praying, serving, support, inspiration, or challenge? What is the one thing you look for in a Pastor. Before entering into Pastoral Ministry, I would say what I wanted support and challenge. Support in my walk, and also challenge in my walk. What do you need? In today’s devotion we consider the power of rejoicing in God in times of despair and challenge. A kind of faith that is challenging to live, well at least for me. What about you?

Against All Odds

Habakkuk 3:17-19

Have you ever felt like it can’t be done? The illness will win. The bill collectors will win. The abuser will win. The relationship will end. The tears will never cease. The job is impossible. Your family is relentless and will never stop being against you. The children seem out of control and there is nothing that can be done. Have you ever encountered this in your life? Or something similar?

Habakkuk did but what he dealt with was war, famine, exile, and oppression. In fact, if I was writing this devotion for Ukraine or parts of Africa or South America I would open with the following. Have you ever felt like it can’t be done? The bombs won’t stop. The killing never ends. The raping and pillaging continue. There isn’t enough food. Oppression won’t stop.

Or if I was writing this for the streets of Philadelphia I would open with the following. Have you ever felt like it can’t be done? The killings on the streets continue. The drugs are rampant and never ends. The gangs rule and oppress those they don’t like. Guns are used as solutions instead of words. Peace is never going to occur.

Can you relate to any of these? Habakkuk did and had a conversation with God. Actually, complaining to God and God answering. But the book ends with Habakkuk in 3:18 stating regardless of the impossible situation he will rejoice.

In your situations that hurt you and seem impossible to manage... do you rejoice in God? Exulting God during your pain and worries and challenges? It seems what Habakkuk did takes great faith. Faith in God that transcends our pains and challenges.  Faith in God that newness will occur no matter what. Faith in God to let go of our expectations and live with God. What blocks you from letting go of your expectation and just living with God through faith?

Oh Holy One, You remind me, again and again, through the prophets and apostles of old, to just live in faith with You, and that You will always deliver. But somehow, I let my fears and my wants get in the way. I somehow want it my way and am not always willing to live into Your promises. Help me to live in Your promises no matter what is going on in my life. Amen.


by Rev. David Piltz